Monday, April 8, 2013

Design Proposal: Topography Map

For this project, I was very interested in creating a map that depicted the topography of the city. The map would act as something similar to google maps where each route would tell the user the steepness of the hill. I plan on having this map be shown in several different mediums. First, there will be a topography app as a free download for iPhones and Androids. The app will feature something similar to google maps, but the different routes will show you different levels of steepness. Each route will have different transportation options: walking, biking, public transit, or car. Steepness will be measured into a system similar to ski slope signals. Colors will dictate flattest to steepest, so users can potentially select a level and only see routes within that color. The topography app will also have a feature that shows a 3D model of San Francisco streets, to better understand the hills of the city. Addition to the app, it would be great to have google maps take on this feature, so the color coding system of steepness will show up in the different routes google map offers. San Francisco transit maps could also feature a 2D topography map where streets have color gradients that depict steepness. 

I think this idea would have a huge social change. Those who are handicapped would benefit greatly along with senior citizens, and even the lazy. Bikers could find new routes other than the wiggle. Tourists could walk the streets without working up a sweat, or easily find hill tops for beautiful views of the city. A topography map could work in favor of the flat street walkers, or the hill top climbers. It would greatly change the quality of living in this city. 

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